Very great story liked it alot.Great plot and kind of sewing out the story.I went into this knowing it won't be about He-Man because it doesn't say HE-MAN MASTERS OF THE UNIBERSE, I mean really just because it doesn't have He man in it does not mean it isn't good, because for me loving He-man,for it to go on about Teela they really told it well and made me watch all 5 episodes so for it to get this much negativity and people wishing for Kevin Smith to have died of his hart attack really isn't necessary.It is plain and simple if you don't like it for Pete's sake THEN DON'T WACH IT and spend your time doing something else not spending hours taking a dump on it for making these essay's saying you don't like it,then don't watch it. But on a other note it was really a fun series and I hope for more to come.