This is the best show ever !!!!!!!!!!! I loved the show from 2012 to 2020 all characters are so good. When I started watching it on RTE I really enjoyed it . S1 was excellent. S2 was excellent. S3 is one of the best series. S4 good . S5 excellent. S6 onwards were the best series and S3 too😀😀😀😀😀😀. All the cast is excellent well done CBBC show from 2012 to March 2020. They all should be so proud of themselves! The school was so good . The best epsoide was pickled eggs in 2019 when Darnash has to have a jar of pickled eggs when he realised they were out of date that day and violet , ingrid and Amber were waiting when the got caught from Mr.bell . Meanwhile when Eli seees the girl of his dreams but involves fler,ellisha , Owen and Katie. And Evan moves in with polly how will that go? The best show ever plz read this review and get back .