I did not choose to read this book but I am a secondary Special Educator. Originally it was assigned reading for my 8th grade students but their teacher changed directions and re-assigned it to only her Honors students. I applauded the change! This book requires capable comprehension to fully enjoy it. Nevertheless, since I started the book I felt compelled to finish it.
I have to admit the book was a page-turner but I cannot say I liked, or for that matter, disliked it. I read it because it was interesting and extremely well written. Oh my gosh was it ever! But the story was extra, extra long. In my humble opinion it is actually 3 books in one. The length was probably my only angst.
I learned a lot. The historical fiction aspect was an added bonus for me, having recently seen the movie, Harriett.
Overall, I give this book a 4.9 out of 5.