I truly enjoyed this show. I loved part I, I see a lot of reviews about how long, drawn out, and boring it was but I didn't feel that way at all. I loved the journey it took me on the whole way through. I just finished part ll. I enjoyed that even more. I think the length and drawn out part l is important to lay the foundation and if the second part would have been another dimension just as long and drawn out then that's when I would have probably been over it and moved on to another show but they planned this brilliantly in my opinion. I also had an array of emotions and chills at times. I am very open minded and have had many dreams that I believe mean something and I'm intrigued by spiritualalities. I often imagine our lives as a movie and we are the puppets. I always wondered how we have free will if God knows every move we would make before the foundation of the earth. But if we have different dimensions of ourselves making different choices and getting different outcomes... well that sounds believable lol. Even if it's just all fiction, I can appreciate the complexity of the minds involved in the creation of the OA. Bravo, Bravo! I absolutely loved the experience of watching this and having my mind blown and flourish like a flower. Very moving. The actors are great the story line is great. I have no complaints what's so ever. I would be upset if there were no more seasons or at least something to tie it all up and make me feel completely satisfied. I love the idea of fate and the choice to have faith and believe.