Series 1 was great with an intriguing and entertaining concept until the end with Eve illogically bedding the assassin who had killed her friend and who she had been supposedly hunting with a vengeance. Each series has been progressively worse since with the last season being the worst. Characters change their minds and actions for no logical or plot driven reasons, often within a single episode. I found Eve's character SO annoying throughout - how could someone like her be working for MI6? Villanelle started as a ruthless, effective assassin but steadily turns into a fickle character who seems to act for no logic, reason or motive. The show seems to have become more contrived and a parody of several genres as the series progressed. Each episode seemed to dwell upon how inconsistently characters spoke and interacted and became set pieces to showcase the hip tracklist of songs. All this at the expense of plot so that by the end I didn't care for any of the characters or what happened. Really disappointing. And who were The Twelve anyway?