"Good Girl's Guide to Murder" is a gripping thriller that combines mystery, crime, and young adult fiction. The story follows a determined teenager, Pippa Fitz-Amobi, as she investigates a cold case for a school project in a small town filled with dark secrets. The novel excels in character development, utilizing a mix of traditional narrative, journal entries, and interviews to keep readers guessing until the end. The well-paced plot, filled with red herrings and twists, escalates the tension, and the small-town setting adds complexity. The book explores themes of justice and morality, raising thought-provoking questions about truth and secrecy. While some plot twists may be seen as unexpected, they contribute to the overall unpredictability. In conclusion, "Good Girl's Guide to Murder" is a compelling page-turner that will appeal to mystery and suspense fans, leaving readers eagerly anticipating future installments in the series.