Wow, no spoilers but talk about a FLOP. this was horrible storytelling from the beginning, doesnt give an iota of anything an audience would want, it has no relation to the 1st movie its titled after other than Sly wielding a big knife. Every so often I get the feeling the film will deliver some satisfaction but continues to let the audience falter and move the story in an unwanted direction, Like so many Stalone movies in recent years we get to see the actors blacksmithing skills but unfortunately its completely irrelevant to moving the plotline forward, classic 80's montage scene for those looking for a nostalgic moment, I'm left with the disheartening feeling of loss that is 89 minutes of my life I can never get back, with no real answers to anything other than a warning sense of vengeance served on a tepid plate of bad writing and even worse story development. If you want to waste an hour and a half of your life watching a man seek revenge and or retribution for crimes against humanity here ya go...1 star for the knife, 1/2 a star for the bloodshed and a full dose of bewilderment with satisfaction in any form only coming when the movie finally ends and the debacle that is "Last Blood" is over. Even the moments of revenge that could be enjoyed are cut short by Sly himself who shows exceeding mercy in his ability to end the very misery he inflicts, bad show my friend, bad show indeed.