500 hours in. There have been a lot of negative reviews. For me, it was advertised as a play it your way game and that is what I am doing. I have played Skyrim, Elite Dangerous, Sniper Elite, Destiny, ESO and I like a game that I can benefit from continuing to play instead of leveling up and then... Nothing because it's over. I am building my own Obi Wan Kenobi or Luke Skywalker character, based on the first Star Wars film. That is a person who can shoot a gun but prefers using "the force", he can "fix" (read upgrade) equipment, or fight unarmed. He can fly a spaceship and investigate planets and explore. My first 140 hours were spent upgrading skills in Science. I hung around because I had the resources to use to customise guns and spacesuits. I moved on to NG+. However, I didn't rush. I wanted to learn to be an assassin. For xp I scanned all of the planets. As I worked up the skill ranks I repeated NG1, 2 etc. repeating the scan of all of the planets each time until finally reaching NG10. Now I am level 165 and am repeating the full campaign and thoroughly enjoying the repeat. To mention my observations on various complaints I read - 1) running on planets. I upgraded Oxygen in Physical. I also use my power to create an atmosphere. I didn't upgrade weightlifting. I use my companions instead. 2) I use the precognition power when talking so I know how it goes. 3) I use mind control in Social because I am a Jedi and the powers too. 3) I didn't upgrade weapons at all. Too many other skills were more appealing. 4) Science. All skills upgraded. 5) Ship. Some upgrades to build but not much. I have tried different play styles over time (sniper rifle, up close shotgun) and have settled on fists with martial arts and neuro strikes combined with powers Sunless to freeze and solar to kill. The combination of powers and fists feels right. And my preferred companion is the adoring fan. Personally I find him amusing Captain! The game may not be for everyone but for me it has elements of the games I love and, depending on my mood I can change my playstyle at any time. Nothing is perfect but I don't believe the negative reviews are a fair reflection of what can be achieved if you put your mind to it.