They ruined the show last season with the races and kept the format the same this season. Now they’re making huge changes and they completely ruined the show. They took away the meaning and purpose of the show. I’ve seen every season (I watched the original Japanese ninja before I couldn’t get the channel anymore) but will no longer be watching it.
Hello Ninjas,
For those of you who have applied for Season 17, or plan to apply, we wanted to share details about this year's exciting competition.
ANW 17 will be a celebration of Ninja's Past, Present, and Future, featuring iconic obstacles and many fan favorite ninjas from the past, along with our current athletes. All three rounds of competition will be held in Las Vegas from 9/23 - 10/5. Once you are cast you'll be informed of your shoot dates.
The first two rounds of competition are a bit of a nod to ANW's past:
Qualifying Rounds will be held on the standard 6-obstacle course, ending at the Warped Wall.
Semifinal Rounds will be a return to the familiar 10-obstacle course we used in past Semifinals and City finals which will be held a few days after all the Qualifying and Semifinals are completed.
The future of ninja is speed courses, be it in the Olympics, or local competitions, so for this season we're adapting our National Finals. There will be no Stages 1, 2, and 3, nor the rope climb on Stage
4. Instead, those who advance will compete on a series of side-by-side racecourses featuring memorable obstacles from the show's history. Win your races and you advance, with the ultimate Champion guaranteed to take home $250,000.
We're sure you have questions, and they will be answered over time. This is just a preliminary announcement to help you prepare for competition.
If you haven't sent in your submission, please do so soon, as space will be limited for this special season.