Harvey-KEITEL is WAY-TOO-DANGEROUS-to critcize-PUBLICLY (are-you-OUTTA-your-#%&(÷-MINDS? esp. as-Meyer-LANSKY, whom (WE-think) was a 9-MAN-TEAM-ofNewYorkers, ie. The Most Dangerous-Men-the-WORLD-HAS-EVER-SEEN..Let's-see:
#1 You gotz YOUR-gaiuns (YOUR-julius-CEASARS)
#2 You gotz YOUR-CZARS, Kaiser's, emits, imirs, LAMAS, LLAMAS, LLLAMAS, LLLLAMAS, 4CRUXIFIERS, 4APOCALYPTIC-HORSEMEN, Norsemen, Viking-WARRIORS, Viking-QUEENS, Berserkers, Pikemen (#RUSSIANS, #CRUSADERS: CROWNS-OF-THORNS-AS-spurs; #portugeuse, Good-QUEEN-BESS, the Virgin Queen of All Catholic Domains + Titular-Holdings in England, Ireland, Scotland + Wales + Aquitaine in France + the North, South + West Indies in the Americas, including North + South England, Montreal + Quebec in North America.