After playing Ultimate Team for a long time, There is nothing to say ,EA Frostbite Engine isnt suited for a football game.The game physics are broken and every game feels different despite same players with the same attributes.
A simple way to show how BROKEN the mechanics, squad battles tell the whole story. A bronze player can literally score a 40 yard shot,not to mention 37 paced defender outpacing a 96 paced striker on ball chase down.The worst of them all is the body collision system.A top tier defender like maldini clean tackles Neymar, but the ball bounces back to him,Maldini tackles again,the ball bounces back . If 0 zero star rating existed i would.
IN FIFA ,its the only game whereby the ingame players feel different subject to the servers, not your connection by the way.INput delay, speed lag to mention a few are a deal breaker for a lot of fifa players.The
SOLUTION is to implement a game engine which isnt dependeable on severs directly.SUch that ,if you have good connectivity, the player atrributes remain the same ingame.