*Spoiler Free*
While the movie is not as trashy as The Last Jedi, it's not really much better.
It feels like they really had no idea how to finish the trilogy and pulled back Palpatine from the dead to justify yet another army of spaceships ready to destroy everything and to replace Snoke because you always need a Sith to plot something shady and to tempt a Jedi to the dark side.
The storyline isn't amazing. It's a succession of short moments from one planet to another to give a better understanding of each character's past like Poe and Rey's origins. But it end up being used to retcon a lot of things that came out of the blue in VII & VIII, some that can't be left unanswered.
The most troubling and disapointing part for me remains the space battles and saber fights. They are hard to read, dull and the saber choregraphy feels really uninspired, especially compared to the Prelogy with anakin and obi wan.
I personally disliked the delivery of the conclusion, but i don't think i could have come up with a better one concidering the mess of the previous 2 movies. I just wish JJ & Jonhson would have chosed another license to wage their pety director's war against each other