So INCREDIBLY SAD TO HAVE EVER CAME FROM A DEMOCRATIC PARTY FAMILY. And so grateful #weallwalkedaway. My family has always been divided by race and politics. One side Eastern European and the other extremely southern white...allegedly related to Andrew might as well have told me my uncle was Hitler. Andrew Jackson forced American Indians on to reservations and caused the trail of tears...the other part of my American roots....this movie is ALLFACTCHECKED.
STOP BELIEVING HOLLYWOOD AND THE MEDIA AND THINK FOR YOURSELVES. Margaret Sanger founded planned parenthood for eugenics or the extermination of “undesirables.” More black babies have been aborted in America that any other race. The honorable Dr. Ben Carson said,”IF THEY ARE NOT HUMAN BEINGS WHY DO YOU BUY THEIR PARTS?” May God save America 😰 before it’s too late.