Truthfully, this looks good, looks like it should be good, looks like it had all the ingredients (production value, big-name voice stars etc) to do good and still…it’s NOT GOOD.
Right off the bat, it’s so cringe sometimes in how hard it’s trying to say its piece. For example, Teela is not just the Captain of the Guard in this iteration, oh no, now she’s the new Man-At-Arms. She got promoted! Whoo hoo! You know, cos of ovaries.
Also, please name any other revival or reboot or anything where the antagonist, the MC, the reason toys sold and cartoons stayed on air, is literally only on screen and part of the story for all maybe 7 and half minutes…over two seasons combined (10 episodes). No really. I’ll wait.
Teela did not need to become the full focus, because even though she was female she wasn’t overlooked in any way at all. In fact, she’s appeared in almost as many episodes as He-Man and was always involved in the story and action. She was never a damsel-in-distress nor was she a subordinate or a secretary. She was full realised and well developed, and did not need "rescuing" by this reboot at all.
As a fan of the original and the 2002 version, I have to say Revelation is a massive fail. The whole "wokeness" aspect is just but one of many problems. The voice casting sucks, even tho they’re big stars, it just doesn’t go well. SMG is too nasally for Teela (this butch version), Headey’s Brit accent is cool but far to dulcet for Evil-Lyn (there was no bite) and Hamill just wasn’t Skeletor, a maniacal tone was missing that would agree with this former man turned skull-faced tyrant.Â
The music was also lacklustre, nothing stood out, what even is the theme? And why was there no 80’s theme reprisal or updated melody woven into a new theme? I mean that theme song is so iconic, why not reprise it as a call back in your new theme (dull as it may be).
There’s so much more I can go into, but I’m sure you get the general idea. MOTU Revelations is boring, overwritten, saturated and falls short of delivering any promise of nostalgia, revival and rebirth in story, characters and the franchise as a whole.