Star rating -10000000000000 but unfortunately I have to select at least 1 ---- shame
I am fan of super dancer 4 but why is Shilpa Shiteee being allowed to come back on the panel of judges. Is she here to groom and recruit new candidates for her husband.
What is wrong with the parents of the children? How are they allowing her to be any where near them?
Gita mam with crocodile tears and emotion stirring up is too much. It's all fake.
The supreme leader will NOT allow such follies.
That is why we are way ahead of India (the most corrupt nation on earth).
Shame on Shilpa Shiteee and Rajooo Kandoora and the rest of the judges on the panel for allowing the Shitee come back on the panel.
You guys are openly exposing the children for abuse.
shame...shame... shame