As far as animation it was of course, great. Disney always hits with this but I am of the same mind that many of these movies now are coming out to just prove a point instead of someone truly writing a great script where all of the characters fit the plot naturally and nicely. In this one out of the blue some blast from the past woman official comes in with an extremely urgent need that can’t wait or the world will fail.. all of these people suddenly have such a close meaningful interaction and relationship.. especially the estranged dad who left and never came back 25 years ago. He and his son picked right back up where they left off even after the dad said he couldn’t give up who he was for his son.
Film was boring to me and all over the place. I am also of the mindset that it is not Disney's job to show child romances.. great films have come out with zero love interest for the child/teenage stars and those are the best ones (Moana, brave).. If I am watching this with my 7 and 6 year old, I don’t want it to center around how you can impress your crush and I don’t want my kids getting their romance lessons from Disney. Some of us think that teenagers shouldn’t be focusing on deep romantic relationships at that age. Remember who your audience mainly is Disney. Even turning red zeroed way in on the preteen crushes and I get the gist but the girls were obsessed and desperate.
Write great adventure stories but leave the politics and agendas out of it from both sides. Let kids enjoy good movies without parents having to worry about this. Tired of the environment push.. kids can learn about this outside of Disney.. tired of the teenager being misunderstood by the parents agenda.. what would be great is showing a parent/kid relationship that works and is healthy. Imagine our kids learning that it’s okay to like and admire your parents as you get older…
honestly ready to see a movie build up my son just as much as my daughter. We understand the need for strong female Figures but it’s okay for there to be strong male figures, too that aren’t dopey and misguided.
Do better Disney.