Hey guys to point something out this movie really was the best cartoon to watch out of every Disney movie. 😌🤝🏻This movie stood out from the rest, as a unique film, because it clearly describes how we experience daily situations, how people treat us, how we treat them, and how we should not treat people in a way, where it sabotages their self confidence. I would highly recommend anyone if you haven't seen this film, to go see it. I faced quite alot of battles due to my epilepsy in 2013 to 2017, I was bullied alot, losing my grandma 2 years after being diagnosed with epilepsy in july 2015, gave me anxiety attacks, cause I recall every known issue by remembering events, even more heartbreaking her funeral was on my birthday and that's where I couldn't cope with my emotions. High-school changed me and I became better and I have 4 friends who mean the world to me, and 2 acquaintances who mean the world to me. To🙏