Used to be an amazing game till corporate greed swallowed this franchise.
I've been playing a while(12 years on and off) and I enjoy the game (even with its bugs and RNG moments).
The devs have always been quite acerbic and scathing in their replies.
But over the years making silver lions(the base currency) and getting research points(to unlock vehicles and even parts in said vehicles) in this game has become incredibly hard. They have incrementally increased repair costs, reduced RP earned(for both, unlocking vehicles and unlocking parts for owned vehicles) and reduced silver lions earned per match over the decade.
It has become incredibly hard for new players especially to get anywhere with this game. I had initially tried inviting new friends to try out the game but watching them struggle with earning SL to buy even PARTS for their tanks was something I do not wish upon them.
This game sucks you in. It boasts a huge variety and number of vehicles to use and play but it will take DECADES without spending actual money to get anywhere close to unlocking even half of them. I myself have spent money on this game(premium account to earn more rp and sl as well as buying premium vehicles to unlock others faster) and I STILL have reached nowhere close to the top tanks in MOST nations.
In the early days, progress wasn't hard, SL was never an issue...only time to unlock vehicles were the aspects that would slow you down and even that was ODES better than what it is now. It was manageable...hopeful.
Now it is not...I have actively discouraged my friends to join this game and am embarrassed because I would boast about it before.
Sad to see what this beautiful game has turned into. We all wish for the glory days once more, where this game was rewarding and kind and didn't ACTIVELY DISCOURAGE YOU FROM PLAYING.