This book is more realistic, and more current as self help book, if we can't call it that. Basically, like anything, read, understand and use what applies to you.
I've read some of the reviews and people are way too intense. I liked the random excerpts/stories. Some applied to me and some didn't. Its an easy read and different than the usual "self help". We are responsible for our happiness, yes we can be thrown curveball that are forsure worse/ harder than whats the author has been through. I just think that its the general idea that we have to take from this book. I've been through many things family, health , you name it, but I really appriated the thoughts/ ideas from this book. And like I said its easy to read, doesn't take much time out of.ypur life if its what your looking for. Plus its kind of funny, relatable, like a meme.