Pretty bad, she could've been hopped out of the car and asked to use someone's phone, not to mention helicopters would've been caught his truck, and on top of that, this movie would've been over at the very first scene if gun's existed, what was the dude's plan he was just gonna talk down the dude breaking into his house In the middle of the night? Honestly, what was his plan? This movie would be DANGEROUSLY short if this movie's universe had firearms, pepper spray, or any type of weapon that doesn't require you to be strong, have him have a vest with limited bullets or something isn't too hard to ask for he had a random phone ready with a tracker on it and had an app that could disable when you could and couldn't call on the phone, I just feel like to act like they don't exist it's very stupid. My last point, why was this even in action this is VERY clearly a horror it's literally just like Hush, some female being attacked by some strong male with a weapon. Personally, I'm rating this movie horrible because it's unrealistic, police would've been caught him, she could've been way smarter, and firearms just don't exist. And he somehow only actually killed 3 people even because they had random convenient cars come in that don't know how to brake or swerve to kill half of the people he hit, like you would think the truck would've been started braking when he saw the crash from all the way up front, those people have to be the most attentive of all people. Not to mention that SUV is not just hitting a cop car and just running off to chase a car again, if the cop car wasn't able to move the SUV wouldn't be able to move. I know I said my last point but my very very last point. INSTEAD OF JUST HONKING HIM HARSHLY OR INSTEAD OF A COURTESY TAP WHY DIDN'T U JUST GO AROUND HIM YOU WAITED UNTIL IT WAS YELLOW TO GO AROUND. The movie would've been over if the first dude owned a gun or just had some type of plan instead of coming at him naked and if she would've just gone around.