The worlds best show. This show is incredible and has the elements to become a show that sparks a generation of follows. The shows main characters are 3 girls instead of boys. All of the characters are funny, well written, and relatable. Even characters like General Yunan are fun to watch. The show has action and mystery and it blends both genres flawlessly. Not only that but it has excellent animation. Some shows have really bad antimation which completely ruins the show but this show has beautiful antimation. The animation fits with the show perfectly. It was a bold move to have a show without a singing theame song but it was important for the shows plot. The non singing violin version is much better then the orignal
This show has an orignal concept that is creative and fun. It was nice to see a show about frogs. I have 3 adorable frogs my self. One whites tree frog and 2 African dwarf frogs. The show is relevant in today's world by its lesson and how it handles issues. One of my all time favorite shows. I laugh all the time during all the episodes. I told all of friends about it. I feel bad this show does not get enough fame. Can not wait for Ivy on the Run to air.