I can't lament over the fact that Handmaid's Tale was released in 2017 and I wasn't paying attention; I can just be thankful that I found it. BTW, great marketing from Hulu with that fabulous shot of Elisabeth Moss in red, on red. If not for that, I probably wouldn't have noticed.
I've never seen Elisabeth Moss in anything that I can recall, but I am certainly going to catch Mad Men a million years after its release.
This series is incredible. It's dark, it's scary, it is so so strange. The acting is great although through the seasons I watched in the space of a week I felt disconnected from certain characters, specifically the ones who aren't running with June.
The cinematogophy is spectacular, especially in Gilead. The sound, I'm not so sure about because I might be going deaf, but I had to go back a lot to try to catch things I didn't quite catch. This is crucial because you've got to be quick in Gilead otherwise you might miss a hanging or stoning.
I've never seen one person with so much range and expression as Elisabeth Moss. She's a chameleon, that's for sure.
Max Minghella is just hot.
I'm not a big fan of futuristic-type entertainment but this is different and absolutely worth watching.