Omgosh. How horribly sad and depressing, and I cannot believe I watched it to the end. Shame on whoever wrote this terrible, terrible story. Good Lord.
Do you find joy in anything? ANYTHING in your life? I think not.
This movie is NOT incredible. It is NOT ok. It depicts the deepest, darkest ideas and feelings of human nature and I hope that it did not make ANY money at the box office. I don't even care enough to look it up.
Thanks for adding to Robin Williams despair...WOW… This couldnt have been an easy movie to make. Shame on you.
What the hell is wrong with anyone that thinks this is OK,?... that this sad movie is OK???
It seems that it was Robin Williams' MO was to do these sad movies… Good Lord.
No wonder he did not want to be in the world anymore.
I am a huge fan but this movie made me want to vomit.
I cannot even look up who produced it or directed it, because I do not want to know the names of these people. Maybe they need to think about their part in contributing to Robin Williams' death