I'm not gonna make this a long review, the people who are upset about the part we know they are upset about. I get it, you didn't expect it, they mislead you when you watched the trailer at e3. Anyway, the game itself as a whole is heart breaking, they make you play both sides of the story, they make you go through both people's heart break, and hard choices. It makes you understand that in this post apocalyptic world, there are no good guys. You're just surviving. And your morale compass means nothing. The infected have the same mechanics while throwing in some new ones. The gameplay feels smooth and you can play how you like, I rambod my way through some parts while others I didn't take down a single enemy and stealthed through. It's all how you wanna play. The graphics are beautiful and smooth.
In essence, play it. I enjoyed every jaw dropping, heart wrenching, warm and happy moment of the game.