This reply is kind-of a reply to Michael Haywood's reply... This show is "woke" or whatever but isn't good... Take all the negative things about humans which is racism, sexism, homophobia, mental issues, and so on then commit them and put them in the joke... Velma says over 57 times in one season "I should become a white male so I can get away with anything I want" or "it's always the rich white guys that end up murdering people" but it's said out of literally nowhere, they make fun of the school therapist because he's a while male but also makes fun of people being fat, makes fun of gay guys, makes fun of male feelings, oh and the underage sexual jokes in a adult show... You might think "that's just adult humor" but no its not, its also not dark humor... Family Guy is close but much better mainly because they make fun of every race (including white people) and all genders... This show is just toxic, it targets males and white people because "why not", also all the humor that isn't racist or sexist or homophobic is literally "if I was in a TV show" or "in most shows pilot episode there's a nude scene" (when it's a scene of a bunch of nude underage girls, yes literally) and it's not just those two, it does it nearly 5 times in every episode... just watch YouTube videos about it and you'll struggle to watch the damn show. This show is why people hate feminism even though it's not feminism, its just toxic trash... those who like this show are honestly most likely part of the dev team that created this show. There is no witty humor, there is no "hate everyone equally", Its all hating on men but mainly white men... Norville is written as someone who deeply loves Velma to the point he'll sell an organ to impress her but they make it that his confession of feelings makes her laugh so hard because it's hilarious... (haha, get it? Males liking someone and getting rejected is hilarious)... Fred is now a boy who doesn't know how to cut his food and doesn't know what a plate is (he calls it a "thingie" because he's too white and spoiled to know what it is) and needs the butler to bathe him and cut all his food. Oh I can go on all day but look at any male character in the show and you'll know they'll be humiliates or the joke if the series... there is no character development to fix this, it's literally just being a bigot.