I highly recommend this game to any FPS or Science-Fiction fan looking for something fresh. If you're a fan of the older games, there is plenty of service for you as well. Give this game a try, but keep in mind that the fun only elevates as you continue, so you may want to stick it out a couple of more hours if you aren't seeing the fun yet. Enjoy, and go kill some demons!
Graphical presentation:
Stunning game. While the majority of this game is Hellish landscapes, you will immediately see the passion from the artists. This game came out 3 years ago, but I see 0 signs of aging at this time. This game drops you into a sci-fi reality that is both fascinating and terrifying.
I mentioned in the last section that this reality is terrifying, but thankfully YOU are the most terrifying part about it. You are the DOOM Slayer, more of a force of nature than a character. There is nothing that the Slayer enjoys more than destroying every demon in his path. You will feel that in the gameplay which is THE BEST PART OF THE GAME. The gameplay is top-class among all FPS games ever made. The gameplay loop is truly revolutionary. It demands that you learn its rules or be punished, but also gives you ways to correct your mistakes. Being able to make mistakes without it 100% of the time resulting in your death is much appreciated when compared to a 'Souls' game. It is hard, but the type of challenge that one can enjoy. The difficulty modes are handled perfectly. The changes in difficulty have no effect on the enemies' health, the number of enemies you fight, or how much damage their attacks do to you. Instead, the difficulty determines the intelligence and attack patterns of the enemies. My main critique would be that the start of the game feels a bit slow because you have yet to unlock all the abilities and weapons you will need to rain all chaos upon the demons. While it makes sense to not start out with every ability, I feel it took just a bit too long to deliver me the power fantasy that the rest of the game does so well.
The story is not the essential part of the game, but it is present and GOOD. There are cutscenes, but they are never too long and do not dump too much lore for the player to understand. The only thing you need to know is what is told to you: You kill demons, they're everywhere, kill them all. There is more nuance as the plot unfolds, but it never tackles abstract concepts that a player does not care about. The story takes you to stunning locations and you can skip the scenes anyways.
The Battlemode aspect of the game is an interesting one. Ultimately, the ultip[layer is not the reason you should buy this game and is not the reason this game is so good. While it can be fun, it does not provide enough content to keep me playing longer than a couple of sessions at the most. I also found that the only time I enjoyed this mode completely was when I was playing with a friend and we destroyed the Doom Slayer together every round we played. 3 years later, you are more likely to run into VERY good players that will absolutely destroy you. I honestly believe the only way to feel prepared for Battle Mode is if you have mastered Ultra Violence difficulty or higher in the campaign. I do not think the average player stands a chance in this game mode. This is particularly the case since you will be given almost every weapon and upgrade from the outset (which is good), but it also means that you have to have played the campaign initially to understand how each weapon and ability work. This mode is only an 'okay' addition to a great game otherwise.