Really good movie!!! Good plot!!! I really enjoyed the character development with the new characters in the film. I really enjoyed seeing more of Theseus and Newt. It makes me happy and sad that through the death of Leta Lestrange, they became closer brothers. I loved seeing more of Bunty.
When I watched this opening night it was awesome to hear the theater erupt with laughter throughout the film. I am so glad that Jacob was in the film. He always makes the films so much better.
I really wish there was more of Tina. I really loved the story unfolding with her and Newt. I feel like this film made that story stop. I felt like we have to start it all over again with them two.
Lastly, I really wish they kept Johnny Depp on. Still, Mads did a great job, but no one will beat Johnny's amazing job as Grindelwald. What upset me the most was the fact that they didn't address why Grindelwand looked completely different. That inraged me so much.