This book helped me find peace of mind. I was able to overcome fear while reading, during and after reading this book. My fear of fear or just getting into trouble for being human and my fear of being inadequate was diminished. I’ve had everything I needed in life before and absolutely nothing I needed in life before. I’ve learned to stoke the good fire and to feed others and myself good nutrition. Once again I have everything I need in life to succeed again and help others succeed. As much as I argued with this book in the beginning, my relationship, with technology, books, my family, which are my close friends, my friends and my community has become smarter and stronger. I’ve healed and become better again with the power of Groeschels’ and Lucados’ books. They are amazing men, families and always a friend of mine. All the best wishes from the beginning to the future my friends. Enjoy The Detox, Travel Light and enjoy The Journey.
-Max Craig