Interesting and very well taken. Absolutely disappointing climax, regretted watching the entire movie.
Not having a child of course can be a woman's choice. Planning a pregnancy is absolutely fine but once it happens on it's own, there cannot be a bigger reason to destroy it - be it finances, career or age. There will be a way to go through it and still achieve your goals, even though tough. Growing sick of the so called 'modernized thinking' of the present generation where the line between right and wrong are being made thinner with their own personal, selfish justifications and reasons. Certain things are too precious to be destroyed, and growing a life inside you definitely much more precious that making a movie or career which you can do anytime later, not vice versa. Women do not have to sacrifice their careers to stay at home with kids - there are amazing moms out there who manage pregnancy, kids and their career as well. Balancing motherhood with a career you love is what is to be encouraged, not abortion.