I've played Forza Motorsport since the first came out in 2005, but this last one is rough.
BTW, no drifting. At all. Like, NONE whatsoever. No mode, no points, nada. But wait, you can install "drifting suspension", but not actually be able to drift competitively. What kind of logic is that? You'll have the equipment to install for drifting, but the game mode doesn't exist. Maybe finish the game before you release it?
The tutorial is way too involved and controlling. Dialoge is excessive, the menus are clunky, and the upgrading system is TERRIBLE!! Like, dreadfully awful.
It used to be, if you had the money - go buy it! Which is kind of how it actually works in the real world. (So much for a simulator, huh?). Now, you have to race the stock car, to gain some stupid points, so THEN you can unlock parts. But even when you do gain these stupid "CP Points", you don't get many of them per race. So, you're just constantly grinding just to slightly improve your car.
Graphics, cars, physics - it's all good! But the way they packaged it this time is absolutely terrible! In my eyes, it can look great, but if it doesn't do the job right - what's the point? Kind of like cars..
For car enthusiasts, the upgrade system is entirely too slow. You race a stock car, again, and again, and again, and again - oh, now you can FINALLY get something that will make a real difference. Don't even get me started on swaps or forced induction (you know - the really fun stuff). Those upgrades are what I would consider "late-game", as you need a ton of progression just to access said features.
I'm genuinely disappointed.. I was eagerly awaiting the release of this game, just to be blocked from everything I want to do in the game.. yeah, I get it, it's a simulator - but you didn't have to simulate the drab grind of every day life!
Long time fan, but I think I'm going to look elsewhere now for my racing needs. The sad thing is, I stopped playing Gran Turismo after Apex.. yet, their latest installment has so much more appeal than this game - which for me, is a tough thing to admit.. At this rate, just re-hash this as the next generation Need For Speed game, and try again..