I really can not understand how this game has so many 1 stars. The best I can come up with it more fueled by the drama of company losing so many members than the game itself. I am not big reviewing games I think ppl should just play it and find out for them self if it any good or watch some mixer or whatever. I am only posting this to counter some of the 1 stars....
PS kind of odd anyone can review a game weather they have it or not?! I tried this out on a golf game I never buy and yet I can post a review...really? Not chance of anyone abusing this system hmm...
PPS Ok I liked the first one better as well but come on 1 star 1??? 1 star are for games that crash at the load screen, that are missing half the things the company promised or take 4 hours to complete. The video itself would make this game 3 and that being mean.