I was so taken by this film that I purchased the dvd to view it again and to share it with my friends. I would consider it as one of the best films I’ve ever seen except for at least four major historical errors which serve to blemish and distract from the drama. The inaccuracies are as follows: Elisabeth, Kurt’s sister states in 1937 that “things will change when the war is over”. The war did not start until 1939.; the doctor makes a diagnosis of Kurt as possibly having Lyme disease years before the disease was discovered; the head of the art institute in recalling his role as a German Air Force radio operator tells us that after his crash in the Crimea he surrendered to American forces. Very unlikely given the geography of the Crimea vs. the location of U.S. forces.;the fact that kurt’s Sister is murdered less than two weeks before the war ends is not realistic given that the implementing of the “final solution” was a much more speedy process.
Notwithstanding these blemishes, this is a great film on many levels. I strongly urge you to see it.