Most of the complaints are that the people do not like the way athesiest are portrayed. The fact is all the portrals show how people can be. For example there are professors like this one. Many catholic university have gone liberal. And I have seen professors, liberal think they are gods. Yes there are some liberals not like this. But Jesus said do not be lukewarm. The professor dying at end can finally accepting God happens everday in this world. And some liberal professors can be arrogant I have seen Richard Dawkins and fellow lib professor Christopher Hitchens who died without Christ being very arrongant. The best truth said in movie was when it was said if you dont confess me, Jesus then I will not confess you to the father. Jesus died one of the most horrific death of any faith leader in history. My humble prayer is that anyone would see this movie and get on there knees and Pray to God before it is too late. And I know there are good muslems, but it is true many beat there family members that convert to Christianity. Just google it if you want examples.