A movie for the literate, no doubt. If you preferred the Lord of the Rings movies to the books, you probably won't like this. An understanding of art, literature and cultures other than what's in your own neighborhood helps to understand the setting and perspective of this movie. A rousing dive into Paris of the late 19th century, the bohemian movement is perfectly captured in this stunning musical (and those who find the premise of the bohemian movement confusing or chaotic - well, that's like calling water wet.) The music, though unoriginal on paper, was reorchestrated into inspirational themes of love, beauty, truth, etc. I regularly revisit the "Roxanne" tango scene - one of the most emotionally powerful ever captured on film. A HUGE thumbs up for this movie. Don't watch it without a bottle of Absinthe, sugar cubes and ice water close by... the Green Fairy awaits.