I figured we'd be getting alot of information we didn't already know but I didnt find that to be true it was boaring. I don't personally like or dislike these to however I think it was obvious how in alot of clips Harry looked at Meghan cringeworthy as she steamed full ahead smiling, gave me the impression this was just a show to her while this was Harry's family he's attempting to bash and I think he felt that. However I believe him talking about marrying to fit the mold and not for love was directed at his father not his brother as we all know his father didnt love Diana. I also think that once Meghans mom chimed in with its all about race it took over Meghans view and the whole thing just became about race this or that, Im not at all saying she didn't have to deal with that at all but I believe it was heightened extremely to make Meghan look like more of a victim then she was I think other people of color have gone thru alot worse on a daily unfortunately. At the end of the day great they wanna speak their "story" but it was just another incredibly rich couple complaining while others have serious problems. I understand the lives of famous people is no cake walk but you have the means to make it much more comfortable to endure then people struggling day to day with heating homes and putting food on the table, and you did know what you were signing up to do it's the 20th century if you did absolutely no research into the royal family before saying yes well....thats impossible to believe.