Like most movies these days, it was far far too long, especially given that the idea has been done 1 million times before where you have to pass along some negative element or curse to someone else. Back in the day in a dusty library, or now, the Internet, but it’s the same thing where, at some point there is some realization of the truth through research, that nobody else believes, a bunch of jump scares, and so forth. I like the mood I like the way it was filmed. The lighting and the acting was decent and some jump scares really effective, but again too long and wears out it’s welcome after a while.
Also somewhat unrelated but apparently there’s a new trend to have the actors introduce the movie before the movie to tell you that they made a movie and tell you to enjoy the movie, which is absolutely horrible and seems like a purposeful effort to destroy your suspension of disbelief.
I can’t imagine why anybody would want to see that, especially in advance of the movie; perhaps in a documentary or making of but good grief it’s bad enough the movies now have commercials and other things in advance to take you out of the zone. Do we really need to address the audience directly to remind them in advance that it’s all fake?