The movie SUCKS!!!!
At the start of the film, Kate's boyfriend should have died first. Then, instead of killing the others, have them get injured. Have the team part ways, then skip five years. This way, when Kate's friend comes back with a job for her, she will understand the importance and severity of the situation. We get to see her and the team's characters transform. But we don't get any of that because they all died. Instead, we get this annoying character, Tyler, and his crew.
Tyler is a terrible character. One moment he's a careless egomaniac, and then suddenly he cares about people dying and wants to help. This is not how this works.
For example, out of nowhere, we cut to a small town that was ravished by a tornado. We are supposed to care about this after watching a bunch of reckless guys chase a tornado, playing games, and having fun. They don't care, so why should we? Then we cut to the stadium, where a tornado randomly comes, just like in the original. And a bunch of people died again. Why did Tyler's character change all of a sudden? He's apparently a caring guy. Newsflash: Tyler is NOT a good guy. Stop forcing it.
Also, the music is not good. Overall, 5/10.