The movie takes on boldly a subject that few would have the guts to approach the way this issue the way the filmmakers have. This movie shows the stark reality of crimes against women and children and the low importance these issues are given in media (xcept the initial breaking news sensationalism) , law and the men give to these issues.
Looks like the message of the movie hasn't reached many, even the educated men who write the review s. I have seen reviews that say the courtroom drama missed its mark and the courtroom scenes were emotional instead of fiery arguments between lawyers! People, these crimes are about the physical and emotional pain of the survivors. The emotions of the survivors are the most important aspect of these crimes and not legal points and cross examinations and sensational dialogues in the court, but leave it to the callous society to look for sensationalism here as well!
Like I said the society has a long way to go before it can even comprehend the true nature of these crimes and the way they totally destroy y the lives of those affected