While I trult appreciate a good batman movie, I found this one lacking. I felt a lot of his key components were left out. There wasn't much of a backstop with the riddler to then connect to. Batman did a few things that were out of character for him. I felt his fighting was more out in front being the center of the show instead of the stealthy ninja fighting he was taught. Instead of taking out the bad guys by using the element of surprise, he would just muscle his way through. There was no flack for the help batman got. The criminal ring never seemed to care that he was tracking them. And the cops that were helping him seemed to get out free and clear. The riddles could have had some more loose ends that your brain could be sitting on till they suddenly came together at the end for a more revealing plot twist. Everything was just simple and lacking depth. I was just lacking so many connections with this movie. While it was a good stand alone action movie, it's missing quite a few points.