One of the best star wars story's I've read. A jedi who's not sure about being a jedi, a clone trooper who thinks he can use the force, another who wants to be a proper mandalorian - there's a big theme of identity, and what's laid out for you by others not necessarily being your true path. And they manage to pull off a sense of urgency without artificially inflating the stakes, avoiding cheap tricks like a villain killing a bunch of redshirts to show how dangerous he is. The crew is going through a trap-filled temple to get an artifact, a sith gauntlet of invincibility, shown to work by making guard robots invincible, raising the stakes for a villain who wants to use that power without having to kill off random clone troopers. In a franchise with many works trying to one-up each other with colossal scales, ultimate badass characters, and pointless execution millions who seem to exist for no purpose than to be killed by the villain, this feels like a breath of fresh air.