Short review- Hot garbage…
Seriously tho, the bad guy (can’t even remember his name) is such a far cry from the depth, charm, intelligence, wit, and humor of (Boyd) Walton Goggins, that in and of itself is enough of a negative, but sadly, it doesn’t stop there.
The original series was replete with charming, fun, and relatable supporting characters: Art, Rachel, Tim, Vasquez, Ava, Winona, Wynn Duffy, Dickie, Dewey Crowe, and Judge Reardon (played but Stephen Root) to name a few. It gave the series color, life, and an immersive quality that made it enjoyable. A group of individuals with distinct personalities that brought unique qualities to bolster an overarching love/hate feud between Raylan and Boyd.
This series is like a piece of gum that has had all the flavor and color chewed out of it, where one nondescript and unrelatable character just bleeds into the next, none any more interesting than the next. Literally nobody in this series has a personality.
And Raylan is hardly in the show. It’s like they spotted him in here and there, the series was more about the comings and goings of a litany of boring, lifeless supporting characters that literally couldn’t hold my attention. I actually found myself drifting off at times, and then being like “what’d I just miss” before rewinding the scene, only to have it lose my interest again.