Well this is my completely honest Review. The combat is very good and fluent it's gears, The characters are likable enough, I like meeting up with old characters from the past games, as much as it just makes me want to play the past games, However for me the story although it was told well it just fell short, If you listen to what the characters say and hell if you even look at the character select screen, you'll be able to figure out what the ending's going to be, I felt the story was good but really predictable especially near the end, Speaking of the end, I won't ruin it but the choices you have to make and the things that happen, Honestly left me kind of speechless, now I've played the game a couple of times and I still don't really know what to say about the ending and the choices that led up to that ending I do think the game is worth a play especially if you have a friend to play with, But just be ready for the end it really confused confused me anyway.