I seem to be the only one that wondered what happened to this series when it reached series 5? It was bizarre and I felt a loss for the characters Alice and Cole. Alice we at least saw die to some extent. But Coles character was barely referred to and never did we really see him again? And the ridiculous futuristic scenes! No they never worked for me. The daughter who changed colouring three times from red hair, pale blue eyed as a toddler to very dark hair dark eyes almost beautifully Latino to match step mom, then as an adult she resembled her grandmother on Coles side! Then basically Alice's death was not revenged nor lawfully dealt with. I was bored a lot during series 5, I got up and made tea or put a wash on I didn't bother to pause it I just asked my husband what I'd missed in those minutes. Sorry to be negative. The previous 4 series were excellent a little maybe graphic at times but I may be a prude now, sometimes I did think, seriously again? But the storyline was gripping, til series 5. The whole of the series left me cold. I liked the nod to Noah at the end but again this should have been explored not just plonked in there. Oh and the jumping back and forth throughout the series from 1 to 5 was confusing to me and my husband. We got eventually it was two perspectives but it was, is this really what happened or? But overall series 1 to 4 brilliant and series 5 gets a real thumbs down I'm afraid. Thanks for a place to review because it meant enough to me to search out somewhere I could prattle on. I did grieve for Alice we my husband and I didn't believe she was dead for a long time. And we missed Cole wondering when we would see him again. Alas that wasn't to happen. Series 5 was so bad it felt like a different series to us. At the beginning we thought we had pressed the wrong viewing. I would like to see another perspective on series 5 actually. (why not you did this throughout anyway) Re-write series 5 bring back the original characters give this a life that makes sense to the rest. SEE Coles life ahead Watch Joanie grow and Learn about her mothers life and Death , SEE her evolve then exonerate her mother's suicide bringing Alice's s killer to justice even as an old man. Then end with Joanie marriages working due to her findings.