This movie sucks. It really sucks. It’s boring and predictable. The characters are annoying and dislikable. But here’s the real problem with this movie and all female “action / assassins / hit woman” movies, there ALL SO Unbelievable. No 100 pound woman is going to single-handedly beat up and kill a team of 200 pound plus men. Something for what ever reason Hollywood just don’t seem to understand or get. This is why the majority of all female action movies fail. Because their just so unbelievable. And yes before you say it, no of course Keanu Reeves, Matt Damien or the Rock can not also single-handedly take on an army of killers but the different is one on one there is that possible they can take on one or two more men so when we are asked to place our disbelief on other things it’s ok but when we are asked to place aside our disbelief already about a skinny women taking on an army of men than already the script has asked too much and failed right out the gate. Instead for the love of god someone in Hollywood just write a story of a female assassin, action star, hero who is able to out smart men instead and use that to beat them. If you want to use hand to hand combat than fine but don’t direct it like a man fighting a man, instead write it as a female who is at a disadvantage so she’s uses everything around her to overcome that disadvantage. That’s the smart and realistic way of making a female action movie more interesting and believable.