It captured me from the very first page. I enjoyed reading Harry’s feelings as a child and how ,through his eyes, he envisioned truth and untruth. I felt it was written from his heart, it bared his vulnerbility, what became his fears, how he grew out of some fears but established his reality into true memories filed in his mind. He expressed how loving the Royals were and how much it was instilled in them their willingness to protect and give back to humanity.
He gives a heartwarming reality to the Royals. It showed his love of all his family and expressed their pride in working hard, taking into consideration of all human beings and their love and devotion of all animals.
The Press and all that they destroy by their constant aggression in stirring the publics views with no regard to it being truth, factual or spun into a totally fictitious storyline totally made up.
I THANK HRH PRINCE Harry for being brave enough to write his version of HIS truth and slam it into the faces of so many of the Worlds press that are destroying themselves and their reputations by being so disrespective to people and disregard a persons privacy, spin pictures into untruths that are just ugly lies and total misconceptions of the reality of what took place. Their words and demanding ugly pressure are like weapons! They literally killed Diana! Humanity needs to demand they be held accountable for their actions and if they reported wrong be held to print the truth and pay for their disrespect!