Humor, Thriller, Friendship, Creativity. Long ago the viewers lived together in harmony watching Avatar. Then everything changed when Nickelodeon attacked. Only Avatar, the master of the awesomest shows, could stop them. But when the world needed it the most, Nickelodeon cancelled the last season. A couples of years past and the world and I discovered a new series, called The Legend of Korra. And although it has Naga and Pabu, they have a lot to learn to live up to Appa and Momo's potential. But I believe that Korra can save us all. dun, Dun, DUN, DUUUUUUN.
This show is actually the best thing ever along with The Legend Of Korra. They're hilarious, heart-touching, and just all and all, outstanding. Both shows are honestly just amazing and there isn't a suitable word in the English language to express how really fantastic these shows are!!! :)