Just wanted to say when people were stabbed with icicles in Frozen, I did not like the people dying from icicle stabbing. Otherwise, the singing is nice, it is cute, and great. Next time, maybe they should try to teach How to Defuse a Bully at work properly, deal with difficult people properly, not their own interpretations, harmony lessons, Team-Work Lessons, defusing jealous people everywhere, bullies are insecure, mean people are jealous, show different kinds of dancing, teaching dance moves from all styles of dance, so our kids can copy this, as adult bullies are bringing up their own kids to become bullies; we put up with them in the work place when we are older, helping kids that are lonely and too poor for dance lessons, skating lessons, Hey, they must own a pair of skates, rollerblades, or show some figure skating lessons kids can copy, etc., as the stabbing and death by icicles made me feel bad, otherwise. Teach music, teach good vibes, teach sharing, there is to much destruction and people focusing on 'getting each other' instead of learn, grow, change, teach, new things especially when an economy goes down from oil and gas; we need new ideas and happy thoughts; teach happy things from Elsa. I have not seen any 'Ice Dancing Moves', like 'The Ice Capades' in a snowy show like that, eh! Stabbing is frightening to me in my mind! (a kid might get an idea from icicles being used this way). (just saying)! Otherwise keep the different music going on, and on! You need ice skates and 'No Smoking Signs on Ice'! like, I am Canadian, eh, and my Dad gave me a pair of used skates, a customer gave him, as we had no money to go in lessons all the time,and I love skating and it can be a 'Free Sport' in your back yard, right! Ice Skate. Ice Skate, and Ice Skate! Teaches balance, poise, coordination, to love the weather God made us deal with, weight management, exercise, and music is motivating, too, right!