Being an Aboriginal fifth generation Pashtun Afghan woman , it is satisfying to finally watch an authentic depiction of relationships s between Central Asians and Aboriginal peoples . However it is inappropriate to make a statement at the end of the movie to say that all Afghans were sent back to Afghanistan and the ones that didn't were quietly absorbed into Aboriginal
Families . It is true to an extent . My son in law is Yorta Yorta and they have an Indian great great grandfather that was a hawker in Victoria . It is also true that my Afghan great great grandfathers went through law to marry my Aborignal great great grand mothers and lived in the Aboriginal communities/ missions and stations. It is not true that Pashtun men quietly absorbed themselves into Aborignal cultures because significant communities were created form being both Aghan ,Aboriginal and Irish . I was raised to be a strong Aboriginal l woman with Afgan and Irish heritage and a peacefullly islamic religion . Also it is incorrect to say that there was an influx of Persia ms , Egyptian and Syrians because there wasn't . They were Pashtun , Afridi,durani and Baluchistan men from the Punjab and Northwestern frontier region and there was only one Sikh man who died alone at the age of 105 in Maree in the 1880s .