"Lift takes the heist genre to new heights with a thrilling and audacious plot that unfolds on the soaring wings of a 777 passenger flight. The film, directed with finesse by F. Gary Gray, introduces us to a master thief, played by Kevin Hart, whose charm becomes as crucial as his thieving skills. The narrative, blending heart, humor, and high-stakes action, follows this international crew as they embark on an impossible mission spurred by both love and law enforcement. The chemistry between Hart and the ensemble cast, including Gugu Mbatha-Raw and Vincent D'Onofrio, adds a delightful layer to the suspenseful storyline. The movie's gripping sequences aboard the flight make it a unique and exhilarating cinematic experience. Lift is a heist film with wings, delivering a thrilling joyride that'll leave you on the edge of your seat until the wheels touch down."