Iv just managed to get through to season 11 which I won’t be watching, Iv pretty much binged this show for the past few weeks and it started out a bit meh, I really didn’t know if I could be bothered to watch it after the first few episodes but Iv been bored so I carried on till the end which is season 10 for me.
The only thing that has kept me going through this utter s**t show is tiny tiny nuggets of enjoyment but they are very few and far between.
I mostly found myself watching it waiting for the characters I didn’t like to die (which happened a lot).
By the end of season 10 I found 5 characters that I actually liked and didn’t want them to die these were Daryl, Abraham, Carol, Tyreese and Ricks little girl.
All of the rest I really couldn’t care less about and It was enjoyable watching some of the more annoying and stupidly written characters meet their ends in stupid pointless ways Sasha being numero uno on this s**t list.
The first 5-6 seasons are the better ones to watch because after that things start going downhill and by the time the “whispers” come into it the whole show has gone down the shi**er and is well on its way to the sewage works.
In hindsight if I would have known what it was like and wouldn’t have listened to all the hype I wouldn’t have watched any episodes of this show. Its badly written 95% of the time and only gets worse as it goes along, the stupidity is so overwhelming you start moaning at the screen and Iv lost count how many times Iv turned it off and though nope I need a break from this cr*p or fast forwarded to miss big chunks that made no difference to the story.
After finishing this show I feel like I need a shower to get rid of the stench of a dead show that wasn’t very good to begin with.